「迪化二0七博物館」位於台北市迪化街一段207號。房子建於1962年,2006年原屋主出售,幾經易手,2009年列為「歷史建築」,2016年由陳國慈女士承購。 2017年4月15日,陳國慈女士以推廣古蹟活化為理念,創辦並贊助「迪化二0七博物館」,期盼藉由這棟美麗老房子蛻變再生的活力,透過主題展覽及多樣的藝文活動訴說屬於台灣在地人文歷史故事,串聯現在與未來,創造老房子新生命。 2019年6月27日,迪化二0七博物館依《博物館法》之相關規定,完成設立登記程序,成為全台灣第一座以自然人設立的私立博物館。 "museum207" is located at No. 207, Section 1, Dihua Street, Taipei. Constructed in 1962, the ownership of this building changed hands several times after its sale by the original owners in 2006. The building was designated a "Historic Building" in 2009. It was acquired by Ms. K.C. Chen in 2016. On April 15, 2017, as an initiative to promote the preservation and revival of heritage buildings in Taiwan, Ms. K.C. Chen founded museum207 in this historic area of Taipei. Through her sponsorship of the museum's operation and its diversified cultural activities, it is hoped that the revival of this beautiful old building will inspire visitors to cherish heritage buildings as well as the rich cultural history of Taiwan. On June 27, 2019, museum207 became the first museum owned by an individual in Taiwan to be officially registered as a "Private Museum" under the Museum Law and related regulations. Powered by Firstory Hosting

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