The Non Profit Podcast Network

The Non Profit Podcast Network

The Non Profit Podcast network is a compilation of not for profit businesses, organizations and community entities that are invited to be interviewed on the podcast pro-bono, use the network to find like organizations doing great work in their communities and source a one-stop listening shop of exclusively non profit organizations. This outlet is meant to give each featured non profit an opportunity to tell their story in their words, giving listeners a better and more complete understanding of the mission, vision and values as well as clearly delineating who they serve and how they're funded. Our intent is for this network to become a useful tool in helping any non profit organization begin the journey to successfully telling their story though podcasting then using that podcast as a marketing tool to reinforce their current supporters, reach new potential donors and volunteers through an easily deployed podcast. Growing reach for awareness with the speed of digital, this is just one more opportunity to get their story told to more people faster. By doing so, we expect this process to further embed the organizations in their communities of service as a result of the simplicity of distribution, the nature of the content and the ease of access to learn more about them.You can visit the website at

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