TeslaChick: Life of a "Medium" Medium

Diana Becker

I experience supernatural phenomena almost daily, but I can't seem to do it on command. That's why I'm only a "medium" medium. I've had numerous ghost encounters, visions of the future, stock tips from my dead husband (which made me a millionaire), and more stock tips from my dead Dad (which made me go broke), I've manifested a bag of gold, healed people, been reprimanded by a dead mother-in-law, been cursed by an improperly-used Ouija board, lived in a haunted house for 20 years, out-psych'd a professional psychic, found missing children, seen angelic star people, stopped terrorists, been rescued from satanists, and I was even a psychic high-roller in Las Vegas... Still, I believe all of us have the potential to develop our God-given gifts. This is a collection of true stories from my life, and a few of my thoughts about what it all means. Also join me on YouTube at "TeslaChick Life" and Patreon at:https://www.patreon.com/TeslaChickLife

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