According to the NFL, almosthalf of their fans are women,22% of Fantasy Football playersare women, but how manypodcasts, television show,books or other media aredirected at female footballfans? Sure, you can findtalented female sportscasterson the sidelines askingpredictable and well-timedquestions, but nowhere willyou find a forum for women totalk about football to otherwomen. Fingertips on the lacesis a roundup of current footballevents, as seen through theeyes of female fans. But we arehere to learn as well. Modernday broadcasters have the“curse of knowledge” andprovide color commentary asthough they are speaking to theplayers, not women who havelikely never played the game.Do you know why a football isgripped with fingertips on thelaces? What is a quarterbacksneak and why are they in thepocket? The ‘weekly clipboard’segment will teach you thebuilding blocks of the gridirongame making it easier to followalong. Do you use Fan Duel orDraft Kings for weekly bets?What’s your fantasy footballname? And don’t forget thetailgate. Themed apps and wellpaired cocktails make everygame more memorable. BethBerry is your coach, er hostesswho rounds up fellow gridirongals to compare bets and picks.Beth is a tenured greenindustry executive, one of thetop 50 women in SaaS Software(The Software Report 2022),Top 40 Women in the GreenIndustry 2021, hostess ofAhead of the Curb on Turfs UpRadio and serial disruptor.

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