SatsMate is about the importance of personal finance in today's rugged environment, emphasizing the importance of Bitcoin/Satoshis as a tool to gain sovereignty over one's finances. We live in a debt and credit-fueled world, that seems to only reward debtors as winners and savers as losers. A world in which people feel the need to gamble in stocks and other speculative markets to make ends meet. Fortunately, we have a strong Orange Light: Bitcoin. Through years of being in this space and making the mistakes that many have made, and will do - SatsMates aims to be a pillar of sound perspective in this world of biased noise.The podcast aims to thread the needle of financial education for the masses with a slight emphasis on Bitcoin to be a better avenue toward attaining financial autonomy. This podcast is made by a Bitcoiner for anyone open to a new perspective, SatsMate aims to provide a bridge of knowledge from those in the old financial order to those seeking what the future of money may be.

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