The title reflects that I spent most of my childhood hiding in my bedroom cupboard, to keep  safe but also to hide from the world, I loved and I hated that cupboard equally, but it was to become my safe space and without it I dont think I would be here. I talk about all the things that has happened to me growing up to adult life, racism, bullying,  abuse mentally & physically by parents & others.  My own mental health and struggles.I will share with you stories of growing up in a mix raced single mum family who had her own a fascinating story of her own, losing her to mental illness, the highs and lows of her split personality, finding out my dad who left when I was 5 was not my real dad 2 years ago which catapulted me into a new chapter in my life with a new family and siblings I never knew I had and so much more!Just me trying to make sense of it all and navigate my way through, knowing iam not alone and that there are many others like me out there and maybe I can help someone else along the way. 

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