Buddha Blog English

Rainer Deyhle

Buddha-Blog - Buddhism in everyday life is the motto of this podcast, mindful action in daily life. The teachings of Buddha are explained simply and clearly by Shaolin-Rainer. THE SEARCH FOR HAPPINESS IS A NATURAL ASPIRATION OF EVERY HUMAN BEING. And everyone has a different idea of happiness, their very own desires. Those who study Buddhism usually already have completely different thoughts than most other people. But what is happiness? A gold watch? A new house or car? A new love affair? In today's completely disturbed world, very few people see the world realistically as it really is. Buddha exhorted us to take right knowledge as the basis for our actions, and to follow it with right speech, action and behaviour. Simply put, to be a realist, not to want to bend things to fit our particular views, but to accept them as they really are. https://shaolin-rainer.de; Download my app "Buddha-Blog"

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