
🍀 Does the 13th really fall more frequently on Friday? 

💿  How do you make a giant disco ball wearable?   

🍩 And we have some any other doughness. 

If you want to find out more about the cardboard related event (called Number City!) Matt attended on Orkney Island, have a look at this link: https://oisf.org/fest-event/number-city/.

Do send your problems and solutions to the website: www.aproblemsquared.com.

If you’re on Patreon and have a creative Wizard offer to give Bec and Matt, please comment on the ‘Sup ‘Zards’ pinned post! 

And if you like, leave us a review, pass the podcast onto a friend or give us a rating! Every little helps. 

If you want even more from A Problem Squared, you can find us onTwitter,Instagram, and on Discord.

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