The Covid-19 pandemic is a distant memory for many people, and it is not given much news coverage. Yet there is a growing number of people who have reported that symptoms never left them after contracting the virus; many of them have had these symptoms for years.  The Office of National Statistics estimates that over 2 million Britons have Long COVID-19. You may have it or know somebody who is struggling with it.  The number worldwide is unknown.   My name is Paul, and long Covid has debilitated me since January 2022. In this podcast, I share my journey and the things I have experienced along the way.  I aim not to give medical advice; I am not qualified. Instead, I want to share my experiences. I have been gaslit, ridiculed and dismissed for my symptoms, which has been a lonely place to be.  Through this podcast,  I want people to know they are not alone.   

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