Steel Roses Podcast

Jenny Benitez & Melissa Schick

Steel Roses is a podcast created for women by women. Social pressures for women are constant. Professionals, stay at home moms, working moms, we are here to tell you that you are not alone! This podcasts primary focus is providing real honest content shedding light on the daily struggles of women while also elevating women's voices. Steel Roses is hosted by Jenny Benitez and Melissa Schick. This podcast came to life after Jenny and Melissa noticed a pattern in their catch-ups. Conversation after conversation boiled down to one important point. All women were experiencing similar pressures and hurdles, and yet, no one was talking out in the open. If these topics continue to only exist as whispered conversations then we further permeate a culture of judgement and shame. Join Melissa and Jenny weekly as they discuss topics that effect women in a relatable, honest way. 

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