Open My eyes Podcast, is a podcast dedicated to personal growth, exploring what it means to value oneself, and learning what it means to be vulnerable. In this podcast, you will learn how to communicate and resolve internal issues and conflicts thru interviews with industry experts, who will provide feedback and relatable tips. We will focus on step-by-step building tools to help you journey into learning to become the best version of yourself. We will challenge you to learn new behaviors, core beliefs, different ways of thinking, and how to genuinely value and love yourself. This is the journey for true authentic growth, so join me and let's begin our journeys together! What should you expect to gain from Open My Eyes Podcast-Each Week? Open My Eyes podcast is a podcast where I speak from my 16 years of experience in Behavioral Health, along with industry experts to provide feedback, give relatable tips, and build personal connections with the listener. Feel free to ask questions and interact with us and the social community via Facebook. We encourage to offer suggestions for future topics and discussions that will help promote personal growth. Some topics that will be discussed include personal growth, things we have learned in our journeys, vulnerability, internal healing, attachment styles, how to become the best version of ourselves and much more, Every Week! Please share and show your support Become a member gain access to members only bonus content visit: Please share and show your support, all support accounts can be found here:

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