SHORT STORIES, POETRY AND MUSIC LYRICS BY MASTER STORYTELLER DONNIE LANSDALE I am your host, Donnie Lansdale. Join me as we embark on a journey towards restful slumber and a night of peaceful sleep. Together, let us take a moment to release the weight of our day, bidding farewell to conversations, anxiety, and stress that may linger in our minds.Now, I invite you to get comfortable, allowing yourself to sink into a state of relaxation. Prepare to let go of the worries of the day and open yourself to the tranquility of the night. It is time to recharge our spirits and minds, ready to awaken refreshed and renewed with the dawn.And now, as we settle in, here is our story. Let the gentle words and soothing tale guide you into a serene slumber, where dreams await to carry you to a world of peace and tranquility. Close your eyes, breathe deeply, and let the journey begin. Sweet dreams!

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