FLIPSIDE OF MIDLIFE®️ with Karli Newman

Karli Newman

Hello, my friends!I'm Karli Newman, and this is FLIPSIDE OF MIDLIFE®️ - a podcast for women in midlife and beyond who want to feel inspired, hopeful, confident, and more satisfied with life than they ever have.My passion is to help you explore this transformational time of life, prioritize your wants and needs, and make these years your best years. It’s at the heart of my business, and it's why I show up here to dig into relevant topics that help you expand into the powerful and inspiring woman you are. I work exclusively with women in midlife and beyond because I don't want you to spend years figuring it out on your own like I did. Don’t waste precious time! You're more likely to get what you want when you have someone in your corner to support you as you learn and grow. I created this podcast to reach through the airwaves with content that helps you make the most of this beautiful journey on the FLIPSIDE OF MIDLIFE®️.

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