Shabbos Everyday!! Channel the POWER of the Sabbath and experience AMAZING success in YOUR life!
The truth is... The whole week is Shabbat (Sabbath) and you can tap into endless blessings... Every day! Shabbat is the source of blessing... Shabbos keeps you... but you need to keep the Sabbath. Start channeling the power of Shabbos into your day and experience AMAZING success in YOUR life! Get closer to God! Hi, I'm Avraham Venismach I'd like to share with you stories about my journey from being a Venice Beach bum to a "Yid with a Lid" (Jew with a Yarmulke) on the Golan Heights, insight learned along the way and of course.... how I discovered how it is Shabbos!! (The Sabbath) Every day!
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