看书琐记,忽然想到,从 PayPal 到 Twitter,创业者和天才和暴君。对商贾的批评重译成新时代的叙事法,骂杀与捧杀,谁在没落?知难行难,一件小事,玩笑只当它玩笑,春末闲谈而已。 今日「两样」: 敦壩 「声量 The Power of Voice」活动 Show Notes: Elon Musk 的「I am a business magnet」推特 Elon Musk 的美国工程院(National Academy of Engineering)院士页面 Elizabeth Howell 的文章《SpaceX: Facts about Elon Musk's Private Spaceflight Company》 Micah Maidenberg 的文章《Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos Face Off in a Satellite Space Race》 Quora 上的问答《How Did Elon Musk Learn Enough about Rockets to Create and Run SpaceX?》 Christiaan Hetzner 的文章《After Years of Failure, Elon Musk’s Boring Company Claims it Will Finally Test a Full-Scale Hyperloop This Year》 Rupert Neate 的文章《Elon Musk’s Brain Chip Firm Neuralink Lines up Clinical Trials in Humans》 Karen Hao 的文章《The Messy, Secretive Reality Behind OpenAI’s Bid to Save the World》 Forbes 的 The Real-Time Billionaires List 页面 Willy Staley 的文章《Elon Musk is a Typical Twitter User, Except for One Thing》 Jacob Carpenter 的文章《Elon Musk Will Soon Have 5 Companies. Can He Make Enough Time for All of Them?》 PlatyHs