🎧歡迎來到小莎發時光 每週二五不定期更新 🎙主持人Sara 莎莎 💟IG:@sarassofaspace 🙌🏻合作邀約: sarassofaspace@gmail.com 👇🏻這是個匯聚旅遊、美食、生活的療癒系播客頻道~來跟莎莎歐菲一起賴沙發放空漫遊! 🏡歡迎來逛逛 👇🏻也歡迎贊助💰莎莎喝咖啡☕ https://linktr.ee/Sarassofaspace Visit Sara’s Sofa Space to experience an audio tour of some of the world’s comfy corners! It’s an extraordinary journey through cultures, cuisines and inspiring stories through the host Sara’s personal experiences or interviews to explore the most amazing spots of the world, tempting your taste buds through unique memory of mouth-watering or hometown food and embracing the full potential of the multi-dimensional feeling of deep, abiding care. This is a place you won’t find yourself bored and totally enjoy Sara’s healing voice! Join SarasSofaSpace every Tuesday on your favorite podcasting app! Powered by Firstory Hosting

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