US Troops Find Mahabharata Vimana,Disappear SVR USSR Intelligence Agency Report To Putin

Tuesday 22 December 2020

It transpires that the troops of the US in Afghanistan found the remains of a Vimana and eight soldiers disappeared. This caused all European leaders to Afghanistan. The information was prepared by the Intelligence Arm of Russia, SVR, and placed before to Vladimir Putin. Some times events take place and they make you wonder whether what we know as Science is really adequate in explaining Nature’s Mysteries,Our present state of civilization is really an advanced one! Scroll down for Video..this video has been removed in YouTube. Video link seems to have been removed. Check the one below. I am posting another one here,hope it is not also removed. The description of aircrafts are found in Hindu Ancient texts, The Vedas, Ramayana,  Mahabharata and the Eighteen Puranas. What is now Iran and Afghanistan were a part of indian Empire and Kandhari , Mother of the Kauravas and Sakuni were from Kandhahar, then called Kaandharra Kingdom. Mahabharata mentions the use of Aircraf

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