Our Original Brain In Modern Life

Gwen Sperling

Overview: Our original brain is pre-set to survive. The pre-set comes from the lower half of the brain; the stuff between our ears, the brain stem and spinal cord. I call this the original brain. It's driven to survive, which leads to humans being reactive and behaving without the thought. This, inevitably leads to great suffering. It does not have to be that way. Come with me as I review the brain, our behavior and how we can change. Change is difficult, at times it is very difficult and it can seem impossible, but change can happen. Often what we need is some empathic understanding, information that can promote insight and sometimes a little of the hardest thing of all, willingness. If this podcast interest you. Please visit my sites for more information which includes: Articles where the podcast comes from, services, fees, booking and much more: Website: www.gwensanimalandhumantherapy.com Blog: www.ouroriginalbraininmodernlife.blogNAMSTE`...The goddess in me celebrates the god/goddess in you.

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