Keith and Kelly Show

Keith Robert Gordon and Kelly Moser

The Keith and Kelly Show is a weekly real estate podcast focused squarely on the real estate agent and their success. We basically have two characters from different backgrounds converging on a topic that both know very well – the world of real estate. Keith Robert Gordon is a real estate broker and businessperson. Kelly Moser is a professional high-performance coach. Keith brings his vast expertise as a veteran broker since 1984 with over 4000 closed sell-side transactions, the author of “The Listing Agent” - a book about managing sellers’ expectation; how to never leave any money on the table while negotiating; how to speak with authority that wins listings; and how he gets 5- star reviews. Keith holds a broker’s license in Florida, Colorado and North Carolina (co-founded Altru Realty); he also holds a Florida title insurance license (co-founded New Frontier Title) and an MLO (not active yet). Keith is also the co-founder of Showing Bee, a listing aggregation company and a showing service which launches in June 2022. Kelly Moser is the founder of the Moser Movement and is a high-performance coach. Kelly helps agents find their best version of themselves by focusing on what they are doing right and wrong while eliminating things that don’t make money; and fine tuning the mind to perform at a higher level. Keith and Kelly make quite a dynamic duo. Keith is double Kelly’s age at 63 while Kelly is new father and a Millennial. Kelly talks like a hillbilly from North Carolina (which he is) while Keith would rather be fishing or playing basketball. His basketball friends call him “biker-poet” and his grandkids call him “KIKI.” Keith and Kelly both have the “gift of gab” for real estate matters that are important. While they speak differently, they do have a common trait which is they are both pros at people and real estate. Keith is a well-known master negotiator and has lots to say about real estate, trends, lead generation, risks, negotiating principles, and how to avoid being sued as an agent - while Kelly is a successful high-performance coach helping agents get to where they want to be. This duo brings a highly entertaining weekly podcast focused on helping agents stay in the moment and in the green.

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