Good Change: Conversations About Making a World of Difference

Ken Streater

Good Change Podcast: Conversations About Making a World of Difference The Good Change podcast highlights the common ground we share, the unlimited positive impact of a single person, and the greater good. We don’t aim to solve all of the world’s problems, but we do offer you peace of mind, hope, laughter, and ideas on how you can help improve circumstances and communities. In many ways, this podcast is the opposite of self-help. It is us-help. We draw attention to kindness, to the better angels of our nature. We swap stories that bring smiles, deep breaths, inspiration, and ideas to help us evolve. We introduce you to people who are positively transforming lives, those who are making change. Good change. "Where movement makers, industry leaders, visionaries, voices of hope, and everyday heroes gather to share ideas, laugh, and inspire action for greater good" — Michelle Abraham, Founder, AmplifYou Podcasting

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