
"That's a bit of the idea- to get back to basics, get back to knowing where your products come from and how they are made and that they are made by humans on a small scale and to really have a product that is fresh with nutrients, this is all really important. " - Geraldine Starke, Refarm'd In this episode, we Geraldine Starke CEO of Refarm'd, a new initiative and plant-based milk service that helps farms convert to producers of plant-based milk as well as transition the farms to animal sanctuaries.  We discuss: The thought process that led to her establishing Refarm'd The business model of Refarm'd Rising consumer demand of plant-based milks The multiple layers of sustainability (environment, animal welfare, glass bottle and green delivery service, local ingredient sourcing and local customer base) that Refarm'd addresses The beginning developments of her work with farms Visit Refarm'd online at https://en.refarmd.com/

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