Listen…there is another way to do life! It’s a way that brings about a change that benefits you from your faith to your family, to your finances. Life is like a construction zone, sometimes it can be chaotic until completion. “How do I start,” or “Where do I begin” are questions we have all asked ourselves. Although the answers vary from person to person, the best place to start is with Christ. Bernard Ruffin discusses on PRAYpare, 5 bricks from the book, The B.U.I.L.D. Project that will help guide you in answering those questions. The foundation is Christ and then: Begin with Family, Understand your Ministry, Implement better Health, Lead in Business, and Develop a better Financial Life. There will be special guests, laughter, and revelation. It’s time to add some preparation to your prayer life. Let the work begin. #DoItBigGod