039 = Many Ways to Replace Lights and Trebuchets Shooting Space Flights (live at Bluedot Festival)
Monday 1 August 2022
In this very special episode, live from Blue Dot Festival... * How many astronauts does it take to change a light bulb? * What is the most environmentally friendly way to launch an object into space? * And APS are live for the first time at Blue Dot Festival! A huge thank you all the contributors that helped make this episode happen; To Professor Steven Lockley from Harvard. You can find more about his contributions to sleep in space here: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0094576512001336 If you want to find out about Circadian Rhythms on Earth, have a listen to Episode 026: ‘Sliding on Snow and Skipping on Sleep’. To Trent Burton from Cosmic Shambles who helped us get in touch with Tim Peak. You can listen to their incredible selection of podcasts here: https://cosmicshambles.com/podcasts/ And of course, to Sarah Bennetto for booking us! You can find her on Twitter here, she's very funny: https://twitter.com/sarahbennetto?s=20&t=mf8AoKcmvUXVbHw2YQAoQA As always, if you've got a problem or a solution, hit us up on aproblemsquared.com. And if you want want even more from A Problem Squared (and who doesn't) find us on Twitter and Instagram.
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