Crazy Good God, do you know Him? He's somethin' else! And He thinks you are AWESOME! My fifteen minute Episodes eventually became five minute Quick Deep Points. The QDPs will make you ponder! Episodes launch every Wednesday morning 5am. Since a child I was told about Jesus. Over the years there have been difficulties and losses that have heightened understanding of who He is. I was involved in numerous ministries and church leadership for several decades. There were many opportunities to see God at work. But, it wasn’t until 2012 that the Lord took me on a journey to discover the mystery of the Gospel, the wonder of Jesus’s incarnation, death, resurrection, and ascension. All of it involves us! For over ten years (hey, I’m a slow learner!) He exposed and dismantled religious mindsets that blocked my understanding of who He really is. Crazy good! Join me on a wondrous adventure to encounter and grasp Jesus's finished work. Religious Christianity tells us there are things we have to do or say to get saved. But, Jesus said, "It is finished." What does that mean? Sounds like Jesus did it all. God just wants us to enjoy His life. He freely gives it to all. All we do is RECEIVE! This crazy good God is head over heels in love with you and all mankind. He made us in His image and likeness so He doesn't make junk! God sees the hidden treasure in everyone. The fall of man brought darkened understanding, deception, and ignorance. The first lie was Adam and Eve thought God was holding out on them and really didn't care about them. What a big fat lie! Man still believes God is distant, aloof, angry, disappointed and we must do something to get back to God. But, Jesus said, "It is finished." Now, why do we think we have to do something? Get ready to be wowed! Find out jaw-dropping truths that will expose many lies you've believed about God. If you’ve tried to serve Him and still feel guilty, must do more, just plain worn out, then listen in. The truth is renewing and the Truth is FOR YOU! If you don't know God, never heard of Jesus, or could care less about God, then check out Crazy Good God podcast. You will be surprised and discover God is actually fun! I will even share some fascinating visions and dreams God has given me. They mean even more in light of Jesus' finished work. How cool is that?!  QUESTIONS COMMENTS - I'd love to hear from you! CONTACT ME (Music by

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