Starting Over With Gretchen and Kimile

Gretchen Jensen and Kimile Pendleton

Starting Over with Gretchen and Kimile is inspiring, entertaining and authentic. They are your Guides to discover that living in alignment with your life purpose is easier than you think. These best friends have years of combined wisdom in the world of seeking spiritual connection and manifesting. Gretchen's quest through 8 denominations to find her connection to Spirit was realized when she was met with cancer.
Kimile endured two years of wondering if she had ended a life due to a tractor accident. At age 14 she began a desperate search for redemption through religion, prayers and healers.
Gretchen and Kimile came to the same truths about how to connect with the Divine and in their podcast they are sharing their journeys...It is never too late to start over and live an aligned life. At any moment we can pause and start over. It is all about tuning ourselves to what is highest and best for ourselves.

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