
Hey everyone! Another week and another episode. Today I want to recommend filtering your social media, my experience with it, and how I go about using the features included in each platform to give me the most customized home page I can. Even if you choose not to take all of this episode to heart, I hope you'll at the very least find it entertaining. Persuade You Social Media accounts: Facebook Page Instagram Twitter Subreddit Social Media by Casually Explained This Video Will Make You Angry Reddit What is Reddit? Apollo app for iOS Slide for Android Boost for Android Reddit Casually Explained John Green's Favorite Subreddits My Favorite Subreddits: r/aww r/babybigcatgifs r/mademesmile r/tuckedinkitties r/upliftingnews Funny twitter account I follow is called Roxi Horror, so I was close! Ologies Facebook Group Thanks everyone for listening! I really hope you enjoyed this episode. A little more advice leaning but I think it's still a very strong recommendation and I hope y

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