Breaking Free Of Emotional Bondage

Gaylen Beardsley

Severe emotional problems keep millions of people in bondage and prevent them from carrying out the most simple, necessary, social functions in life. Unless the chains of this type of bondage are broken, there is little hope for a normal, active and functional lifestyle. Most people, with these debilitating emotional problems, do not know that there are proven, non-traditional, types of therapies that have shown to be more effective than drugs or traditional talk therapy. These therapies can, and most often do bring freedom and relief from the trials of emotional bondage if they are pursued faithfully. These podcasts discuss the types of emotional bondage ranging from Phobias, anxiety, eating disorders to PTSD and everything in between, as well as the types of therapy that can often be the pathway to discovering emotional freedom. Give us a listen and be sure to send any questions you may have to or visit our web site

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