Write Medicine

Alexandra Howson PhD | CME Writer, Educator, Researcher

Write Medicine is your weekly shot of powerful, practical tips to transform your CME content from meh to marvelous.

Join me, Alexandra Howson, PhD, a medical writing veteran with battle scars and wisdom from the CME trenches. Each week I crack open insights via conversations with CME rockstars on adult learning secrets, killer outcomes frameworks, and the hottest healthcare trends.

Consider Write Medicine your personal power-up session. I spill the tea on proven techniques for crafting CME content that will inspire and arm you with the tools to create unforgettable learning experiences.

Whether you're a CME newbie or a seasoned pro, Write Medicine is your one-stop shop to become a CME writing Jedi. ️✨

Don't just listen to Write Medicine—devour it. Your CME will never be the same.

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