Ahoy, adventurers and ale-enthusiasts! Welcome to The only podcast broadcasting straight from the creaking, salt-soaked tables of the Blazen Hydra Pub in the heart of Bilgewater – a city as notorious as it is dangerous, situated in the mystic world of Runeterra. Grab a tankard of grog and join us as we dive into tales of daring escapades, dubious dealings, dramatic encounters, and lore from all over Runeterra!Every episode, we bring the lore and legends of Runeterra to life, immersing you in the tales and tunes of Runeterra. Join our hosts, Entgrove and KongQuest, as we explore Runeterra and the anticipated Riot MMO.🍻 Episode Highlights:Runeterra Lore Deep Dives: Uncover the mysteries, myths, and magic of Runeterra, exploring its history, factions, and the dark corners where even pirates fear to tread!Riot Games Crossover Specials: Celebrate the convergence of worlds as we feature special episodes intertwining stories and characters from across all Riot Forge Games!🍺 Audience Cheers:Interactive Segments: Engage with us through Q&As, story suggestions, and the chance to have your own tales featured in the podcast!Grog and Games: Enjoy hearty laughs, tavern brawls, and learn a sea shanty or two as we blend narrative with Riot MMO Speculation!The Brazen Hydra is more than just a podcast; it’s a gathering of Runeterra fans, where the ale flows as freely as the tales of adventure. Whether you’re a seasoned sailor of Runeterra’s seas or a landlubber looking for a tale to brighten your day, you have a seat at the Blazen Hydra. So, come, pull up a stool and let the tales of Runeterra unfold!

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