Self Discipline Diet Podcast

Francis sofia

1. Keep a cool head around hot heads.2. Believe that there are three sides to every argument. 3. Never give directives to a subordinate when you are angry. 4. Treat everyone as if they were a rich relative who might leave you a sizable inheritance. 5. When you find yourself in an unpleasant circumstance, immediately start searching for the seed of an equivalent benefit within the experience. 6. Ask questions and listen to the answer. If you find yourself inclined to disagree with a statement, employ the phrase, “How do you know?” to get the speaker to do all the heavy lifting. 7. Never say or do anything before thinking if it will benefit someone or hurt them.8. Learn the difference between friendly analysis and unfriendly criticisms.9. A good leader knows how to take orders cheerfully. 10. Be tolerant of your fellow humans. Support this podcast:

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