跟著直覺走 let it flow

Yin Lau

「跟著直覺走」是一個非常隨性的節目,第三季有cohost 阿晴加盟一齊談天說地,除了每星期分享我們在外地的生活體驗,還會談談不同主題如遊歷故事、藝術創作、大自然連結、身心靈健康等等,用這個平台試驗更多關於聲音的可能性,總之只要跟著直覺走,任何事情都有機會發生。 “Let it flow” is a freestyle podcast. Besides sharing whatever inspiration & experience that come up in life, I will also talk about what I’m fascinated in such as art, travel, nature, healing, spirituality, alternative lifestyle, permaculture, LGBTQIA... This is a platform for experiment. Let’s listen to our intuition & surf on the waves of possibility.

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