Journey on the Way To Greatness podcast, as Ari Gunzburg and his guests explore the journey from failure and mediocrity to success and greatness. Ari Gunzburg interviews guests to discuss concepts focused on exploring the relationship between success and failure, and how life events and viewpoints fit into this crazy mess everyone calls life.
The collection of guests on this show is eclectic, to create a unique listening experience. From people making millions to people working at the corner coffee store, Ari will interview anyone! The theme is constant: how can we define success in a way that it will help us find lasting happiness? And, potentially, how can society as a whole re-focus on the things that are the most important, but are often ignored?
"Just heard your podcast intro episode. As someone who has really struggled with feeling successful and others' perception of me, it really touched me. I am looking forward to the series."
-Michael Szpilzinger