Manifest I AM

D. M. (Sista' Joy) Foster

Manifest I AM is a Sacred Space for those seeking a deeper connection with their inner selves and an understanding of their own Divinity, 'I AM.' Join our host on a spiritual odyssey that will give you an understanding of the original teachings of the "I AM" as taught by  the Great Ascended Masters. Through Manifest I AM, your consciousness will be raised as you gain an understanding  of your own, individualized Divine Presence of God, I AM, in you,  When practiced continuously, you will  manifest your greater self, your God Self, the 'I AM' and fulfill your Divine Mission upon our Mother Earth. Are you ready to receive this wisdom that will transform your life forever? If you are, join us weekly as our host, Sista' Joy, an Independent Student of the I AM since 1983,  brings you this esoteric wisdom to renew your life and change your thinking forever.  

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