I don’t need to tell you Mother Earth is indicating to take better care of her or that the the gap between super rich and majority is widening by the day. Im sure you know that war and aggression is still raging in many parts of the globe or at this moment just short of a billion people live in starvation. Im guessing you’ve heard by now, scientists and thought leaders warning us to make big drastic change less we face a point of no return whilst our lawmakers trudge us to a red line in the dirt with no meaningful progress.But what if WE THE PEOPLE could affect this change for ourselves? What if we could finally find unity in our diversity and organise to create new systems, representing something that is truly for the all? A podcast embodying mycelium, threading together wisdom, movements, practices, technology and ideas, old and new, to help in weaving an emergent world centring Earth and Humanity.Thank you for listening with an open gentle heart. I understand some topics we speak about may cause inside friction but my invitation is to gently welcome that friction. Be honest and ask, is this really conflicting with a value I truly own or maybe this opinion has been imposed onto me. Remember a wise mind and heart is one that can change.If you feel you are receiving something from the podcast, a way you can give back is to follow and give us a 5 star rating or review on podcast platforms. Also, following on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/mycelialpodcast and Tiktok https://www.tiktok.com/@mycelialpodcast helps its growth and message. If you feel others could receive something from it too, please share an episode with a friend or on social media.At this point, this project is 100% self funded by me and my recycled clothing business NIRANIA so you can also support my business on instagram https://www.instagram.com/nirania_collectiveSince this is a free piece of content, these are all nice ways to practice reciprocity in an age where support of activism, social change, spirituality and the arts is much needed.I am Nikkita Ra and I am grateful you’re here.And so it is.This podcast is a discussion of commentaries, viewpoints and opinions done in good faith for public interest. Free speech is protected by article 19.1 of the international covenant on civil and political rights.I am Nikkita Ra and I am grateful you’re here.And so it is.

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