The Hidden Healing of Emotions -The Heroine's Journey

Celeste Phillips

Do you feel like you're watching life from the sidelines, struggling to form genuine connections? Are you tired of carrying the emotional load for everyone else, feeling as if your own needs and desires are always on the back burner? This podcast is a sanctuary for you if you are a women who has had some success in healing from complex trauma but are still faced with the invisible barriers that keep you from fully engaging with your family, friends and community around you. This podcast is designed for women who have journeyed through the healing process of complex trauma but still encounter challenges in feeling genuinely connected with others, or find themselves burdened with the weight of the world on their shoulders.Learn how to claim the life you desire, despite a challenging start in life. Join us as we uncover the layers of complex trauma, its pervasive effects on our relationships and sense of self, and the transformative power each of us holds to reshape our life's direction.This season, we focus a light on "The Heroine's Journey" — a path of internal healing over self-rejection and the journey of returning to yourself with love. If the hero's journey is about conquering external battles, "The Heroine's Journey" guides us through the equally hard challenge of healing  our inner world. Tune in to explore the steps toward reclaiming your joy, fostering meaningful connections, and lifting the veil of isolation that trauma can bring.Get your own copy of "Do I have Complex Trauma?" Mini-workbook FREE.

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