The Female Creative Talks

Hannah Roper

Throughout The Female Creative Talks, I will be bringing you interviews with incredible female entrepreneurs talking about their highs, lows and everything in between! When starting my business, I wanted to hear stories from women who were like me. I wanted to hear how these women juggled motherhood and business or working full time and business as that’s what I could relate to however all I could find were stories of women earning a fortune, having given up their full-time corporate job to dedicate every waking hour to their business. This was amazing but it wasn’t me or something I could aspire too! I was already a mum, I couldn’t just quit my job and go all in, I needed to keep supporting my family, it all seemed so out of reach. I started talking to women around me, those with anything from 2k to 30k followers on Instagram, small business that I purchased from, how did they make their businesses work? How did they manage the juggle? There are so many incredible women who want to tell their story to inspire others like them to do the same so TFC Talks were born! We will be talking about all elements of business and giving you top tips and hacks that you can practically apply to grow your business! Whether you have an idea that you want to take to action or want to grow your business from feeling like a hobby to feeling like a hustle then I will have something for you! I want you to walk away from each episode feeling inspired to take the leap and follow your business dreams to success!

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