Journeying with Jesus

Nick Helm

Current Series: Series 2: Beyond the Empty Tomb: Encounters of the Resurrection. Meditations led by Revd Nick Helm. A weekly series through the season of Easter with a 30 minute meditation on each Sunday focussing on the Gospel Resurrection appearances of Jesus. Series 1: By Stony Paths...: A Holy Week journey with Nick Helm. . A 15 minute daily meditation following the journey of Jesus' passion.Starting on Palm Sunday through to Easter Day, these will offer a space for engaging with the gospel narrative of Jesus' passion and resurrection. Using, readings from the gospels, each meditation will invite reflection and prayer to enable you to journey with Jesus, being with him.This will take you from the truimphal entry into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, through to the last supper, the crucifixion to the resurrection on Easter Day. My prayer is that these meditations will enable you to gain a deeper sense of the power of God's love shown in Jesus, to know him more closely, and be able to respond more fully to God in your life.

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