075 = Roman Recursion and Role-Play Immersion

Monday 18 December 2023

In this episode…

🏺 What is the biggest roman numeral word?

🎲 How do I get my friends to play D&D? 

🪵 A Christmas Stumpdate!

💼 And the business briefcase is OPEN.

If you'd like some extra listening over the next few weeks, have a listen to Bec on Dan Schreiber’s podcast ‘We Can Be Weirdos’ you can find the link here: https://tinyurl.com/mrymvb29

And if you'd like to see the Aunty Donna sketch showing how not to explain a table top game to a new player, look no further: http://tinyurl.com/574m6m98

To watch campaigns played by Questing Time follow this link: https://www.youtube.com/c/questingtime

For the Dragon Friends Podcast: https://thedragonfriends.com

And for the Harmontown Podcast: https://www.harmontown.com/category/podcasts/

IF you’ve got any LA based problems, please do send them in to the Problem Solving Page: https://tinyurl.com/2s2x7az4

We'll be announcing the venue for a Podcast of Unnecessary Detailonce a venue has been found.

And if you’d like to receive a belated, but signed Christmas card you can still sign up to Wizard Support on Patreon here: https://www.patreon.com/aproblemsquared/membership

(You’ll get a digital version too!)

As always, send us your general problems and solutions to the website: www.aproblemsquared.com

If you want more from A Problem Squared, you can find us on Twitter, Instagram, and of course, on Patreon.

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