"The future's not ours to see..." OR IS IT? Ask a futurologist. Rose Eveleth has spent a big chunk of her past investigating, studying, and reporting on the future. As the host and creator of the lauded podcast Flash Forward, she sat down with Alie to chat about social trends and scary tech, and answered questions such as: Should any of us have kids? Is my phone spying on me? What does she have implanted in her flesh? When will we have cleaner energy? Will everything be metallic and shiny in the future? How big a problem is overpopulation? What did the Jetsons get right? Who are the original body hackers? Should everyone be vegan? What's the difference between a futurist and a futurologist? And of course: How will our crotches fair in the future? Follow on Rose Eveleth via www.roseeveleth.com Listen to her podcast at www.flashforwardpod.com Donations went to: https://www.genderpodcast.com/grant and the Magnolia Mother's Trust at Springboardto.org Sponsor links: takecareof.com/ologies (code: OLOGIES5