晚安,無尾熊姐姐 Goodnight KoalaJieJie


一次call in節目中,誤打誤撞被其他觀眾封為海外無尾熊姐姐,德州菜鳥人妻被敲碗用聲音治癒觀眾。希望能透過唸故事來服務大家! 歡迎大家提前在當週表單投稿想讓我唸的故事,中文英文主題不限,但是要能闔家觀賞的話題喔! While calling-in to another stream show, I got compliments about my voice and they gave me the nickname Koala Jiejie(means older sister in Chinese.) To thank those audiences, I decide to start my own broadcast on Firstory and Spotify. I'll read the stories mostly in Chinese but also in English base on request. You are welcome to submit your story in the Google form I provide each week. The story needs to be family-friendly. 粉絲專頁:https://www.facebook.com/Koalajiejie/ Powered by Firstory Hosting

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