The Wake Up Call for Lawyers
The Wake Up Call for Lawyers
Mindfulness for the Legal Mind: a 10-minute talk plus 10 minutes of guided meditation. A brief refuge. The musings of a long-time lawyer, law professor, and mindfulness geek on lawyering from a mindful perspective. Tools to cultivate more joy, ease, and wellbeing in this crazy profession. Ideas to become even better at what you do, and save the world. A few minutes of peace every week, which you definitely deserve.
198 episodes • 0 archived •
S9 E482Making Peace Out of Chaos
March 14
19 mins
S9 E481The Radical Act of Abandoning Hate
March 8
19 mins
S9 E480Love and Breathe, For Everyone’s Sake
March 1
19 mins
S9 E479Patience is the Stronger Position
February 21
20 mins
S9 E478Love and Intention, Even Now
February 14
20 mins
S9 E477Faith in An Appropriate Response
February 7
20 mins
S9 E476Resting Up for What’s Next
January 31
20 mins
S9 E475Right Now, Don’t be Bothered by Anything
January 24
18 mins
S9 E474The Bigger the Space, the Easier it is to Care
January 16
21 mins
S9 E473Beginning With Beginner’s Mind
January 11
19 mins