Music & Mind | Miwsig & Meddwl

Leigh Alexandra

Exploring the power of the MIND, mental health, MUSIC & wellbeing. Regular guests and topics from The Arts... to cold water sea swimming; and self soothing singing to reduce suicidal thoughts. I will share the truth about my experiences & do my best to hold a space for my guests to share theirs. 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 am rhaglen Cymraeg. Archwilio pwêr y meddwl, iechyd MEDDWL, MIWSIG & lles personol. Gwesteion aml a pynciau o'r celfyddydau... i nofio dwr oer y môr, a canu hunan lleddfol i lleihau meddyliau hunanladdol. Byddaf yn rhannu'r gwiriondedd am fy mhrofiadau. Diolch am fod yma a diolch am wrando!

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